That headline is no mistake! You’ve not read wrong folks, I’m coming out of retirement and playing shows again. I know I said I’d never do it but I’ve said a lot of dumb things in my life so let’s just chalk that up as one of them.
During the pandemic I fell deeply in love with the modular synth and playing it felt like where I started when I first moved to Colorado in 2002.

When i first arrived I knew no one, had no one to play music with so to kill the ennui I decided to learn how to play the keyboard. The very next day I went with my dear friend Kiki Kans to a thrift store and scored a Casio SK-1. The next time another Casio, and then another until I owned 4!
All the early Tripp Nasty solo shows were me playing those keyboards, I loved it but it had it’s limitations. Gradually I drifted off into organs, and box synths, but even with those, I could never quite get a solo act together again like those 4 clunky old Casio’s.
But lo and behold, the modular synth has given me its secrets, and I’ve figured out an amazing set that you have to see!
The sounds I can create with this thing are crazy…. it’s going to be quite a ride!
Two Shows Don’t Miss Out:
Friday, April 1 at Mutiny Information Cafe:

Friday, May 13 opening for William Basinski at the Hi-Dive in Denver, Colorado:

I am super excited to let you hear my new sounds!
And, yes…I got all emotional, and jumped up and down when I found out I was going to be able to open for William Basinski. Thank goodness everyone at my work was remote today.